There is something you can do!
The government is not your friend! They have conspired with the petro-chemical industry, every media outlet and every institution in the world to poison your mind and every corner of the planet with toxic waste, causing the Carbon level in the Earth’s atmosphere to exceed sustainable limits!!! Not only that but friendly ol’ facebook has back doors engineered into it to monitor your every move!
Mainstream media acknowledges that there are over 300,000 Sovereign Americans living peacefully in North America and doing it successfully without supporting “Uncle Scam”. That’s one out of every 1,000 Americans that has chosen to stop contributing to the war machine!
Whose jurisdiction are you in anyway?
Have you ever seen one of those parody detective shows where the city cop shows up at a scene of a crime and the sheriff shows up and the staties show up and the city cops says “stay out of this, you’re in my jurisdiction”, and the sheriff says “no you’re in my jurisdiction”, and the statie says “no you’re in my jurisdiction”, and the feddies show up and say “This is a federal crime, so we’re taking over the investigation.”
Who controls the feddies?
It’s been propagated in the public sector that there are three branches of government in America but that’s simply not true!
What people generally don’t understand is that there is a fourth branch of government called “The People” and it’s that branch of government that’s taking over the investigation.
U.S. citizens are not considered people, but rather, deceased estates!
If you have done any homework at all, you already know that the UNITED STATES is a piece of paper called a corporation and that every U.S. citizen is a piece of paper called a “birth certificate” which is actually a very valuable estate trust in probate. Neither of these pieces of paper qualify as “The People”, nor does any other kind of artificial person.
Now as far as status goes, the U.S. citizens are not included in “We the People” because that citizenship was created for freed slaves, immigrants, orphans and invalids and it’s documented by a piece of paper which is a kind of a charter.
So essentially, the media is reporting that the population of “We the People” is growing and beginning to hold the feddies and lower jurisdictions accountable for their (mis)conduct.
So, where are “The People”?
Now, if we look at what the media is saying, we can conclude that it’s really these 300,000 private Citizens in America that have direct influence over all jurisdictions in America. This truth has gone viral because there are countless advantages to moving all of your accounting from the U.S. to one of the 50 States, or your own private nation, “offshore” from the District of Columbia.
The real reason they are regurgitating the same propaganda that defames the noble sector of society is because the American population of “We the People” has reached influential proportions and this makes them very afraid of losing their ability to profit from the ignorance of the uneducated population (i.e. maintain their luxury cars, chandeliers and swimming pools).
Don’t be impotent!
So, practically speaking, if you really want to do your part in restoring our great nation, stop being proud of the disgraceful and impotent status of “U.S. citizen” and do the process that changes your status to a noble “Sovereign American State Citizen”.
Read The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook and get your country back on track!
The best way to get control of your public servants and put your country back in the control of “The People” is to read “The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook” and unsubscribe from the UNITED STATES corporation, with the Sui-Juris Sovereignty Kit.
Well, we’re movin’ on up!!!
This changes your status from being a ward of the District of Columbia and exploitable by every pig in the nation, to that of a Private American State Citizen with sovereign immunity! This change of status takes you out of their jurisdiction and puts all of them into your jurisdiction, under your authority.
Having changed your citizenship from U.S. citizen to Sovereign American State Citizen, moving your estate from the public to the private sector, you can now inform your legislators of your change in status and enjoy your new private life while having true influence over the agents of the public sector.
Get your kit in the mail when you make a donation!
Don’t wait any longer to enjoy the privacy you deserve; declare your Personal Sovereignty with the Sui-Juris Sovereignty Kit today!
Don’t be a parasite!
Sovereignty means that you are able to manage the affairs of your whole nation, be it continental or a nation of one.
The real problem in American society is that everyone wants to enjoy the benefits of wealth and freedom without being worthy and working for it. For example, breeding in poverty, living on borrowed money or welfare, is not self-government. That’s irresponsible childishness and dependency. (In the book “Slavery” it is explained that slaves are people who have been stunted from intellectual maturity and must remain dependent on their master for all necessities of life into adulthood.)
U.S. citizens are in the mindset the “the government” is greater than them and can solve all of their problems with laws and taxation. In other words, they don’t want to be self-governing, they want to be ruled by this tyrannical system.
Sovereignty means that you are free to make a member donation, not that you are compromised and need free stuff!
Self-Government is a noble choice.
Migration from the status of an un-trusted immigrant, D.C. ward, to the status of an loyal and noble American Prince or Princess is something you must realize and do yourself.
Sovereign American Citizenship is the highest status one can have in the world and it’s not for the weak of heart, greedy or shallow of mind. Both public and private sectors are defined by rings of documents that allow or dis-allow contact between them. The knowledge of the private sector is literally priceless and that’s why it has always been a very exclusive club. Until now…
Welcome to the information age!!!
“We the People” built the internet in 1970 and attained global consciousness in 1987. This is the information age. The true knowledge of the law and the secrets of sovereignty have been passed on to us by concerned Americans and we’ve translated this knowledge from legalese into American English, so as to be understandable by the intelligent Americans like yourself.
Now, with the Sui-Juris Sovereignty Kit, you can learn how to be a responsible ruler of your own private, sovereign estate and complete the documents that protect you and your heirs from pretentious public piracy!!!
Get The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook together with the Blizzard of Paperwork™ and the Sovereign Citizen’s Cut-Out Book when you >>MAKE A DONATION<< to support the Sovereign Family Network!!!