Have you declared your Sovereignty upon public records?


Texas Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 52. Alleging a Corporation

Rule 52. Alleging a Corporation

An allegation that a corporation is incorporated shall be taken as true, unless denied by the affidavit of the adverse party, his agent or attorney, whether such corporation is a public or private corporation and however created.


It’s a Maxim of Law that if you don’t claim to be a Private Sovereign Human Citizen on the record, you are presumed to be incompetent which means that you are a ward of the state. That’s why they always “appoint a lawyer for you.” It’s you are presumed to be an atheist without a soul, a paper person, rather than a God-fearing Human with rights.

Declaration of Sovereignty is proof of human status!

Get this Declaration of Sovereignty FREE with The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook!

Click Here to join the Sovereignty Quick Start Training Program and download a FREE Declaration of Sovereignty

You can breathe easy now, because when you notice the world that you are indeed a living soul with a “Declaration of Sovereignty” you have made a “record” of your life and the courts have to accept that you are not “chattel” or “engaged in commerce”.

The solution is in Sovereign, State Citizenship!

A human cannot be born in, fifty states at the same time. Nor can he be a Citizen of 50 states at the same time. You were born in one state. That makes you a Citizen of that State, not the U.S. Not only that but you are a human rather than a corporation. A human can own a corporation but a human cannot actually be a corporation.